ok...soo, sorry that i couldnt write on monday...they always change our pday at the last minute and i hate it!!! oh, well, i am not even sure when our next pday will be because they are prob gonna change it again as well...but normally it is supposed to be every monday....anways, this week has been crazy, ahhh...we had this sweet fireside planned, the president and his wife were coming and everything, but guess what happened? it rained allllll weekend and we had to cancel it...i hate the rain here it ruins everything, and nobody leaves their houses, on sunday there were a grand total of fourteen people in sacrament meeting....the rain and the wind stop life here. and i am now on my fourth umbrella because the wind just destroys them, but there is no way around it...so yeah, the week started out rainy and cold, and the last three days we got hit with a crazy heat wave, i´m pretty sure the sun fried my brain yesterday, we were walking around ALL day in the sun...all of the appointments we had planned fell thru, and nobody was home anywhere!! it seriously was one of the longest days i have ever experienced in the mission..and i´m pretty sure i drank like 5 liters of water it felt like we were stranded in the sahara...but thats ok, because we have set 2 baptismal dates this week!!! they happened with two of the people that i least expected that would progress, but we have had more success in finding people who are willing to complete the commitments, and they have come to church multiple times!!! yeah, i thought the day would never come when one of our investigators would come to church on there own free will....but luckily now i can see that the people that the lord really has been preparing to recieve this message will bring themselves to church, because they themselves want to learn more...anyways, what else...tomorrow we are travelling to montevideo (malvín) to have our christmas dinner...well its actually a lunch, but they are still calling it dinner....and i´m sure they have something cool planned...it will be the first time that i will get to be with the entire mission....i think the mission only comes together like this once a year around christmas, so it will be cool to see everyone....what else, christmas is sooo close!! i cant wait to hear from you all, but i am going to have to give you our phone number and you guys have to call us here, at the time that i tell you...not sure when that will be....but i´ll let ya know...but just in case email me your home phone numbers...i dont remember anybodys and i dont think i have them written down anywhere!! so email me your phone numbers just in case...
the pics i sent are of me and my comp hna medina...and of the other missionaries in our district, we made tacos one day, and shared with everyone..well at least we attempted them...they turned out ok...considering what we had to work with..haha....and as you can see me and my comp ran home one day when out of nowwhere we got pounded with rain, and were soaked head to toe....if its not the blazing sun...its buckets of rain...
all in all, it honestly has been a tough week, but we have been able to see some small little miracles occur in the lives of these two investigators, oned named carlos, about 45 years old and the other named jose about 60 years old. i am kinda getting nervous this coming week is the last week of the change and everyone in my district thinks i am for sure getting transfered....ahh, it will be my first reall change of the mission, but i am kinda lookin forward of it, i am almost at 6 months in the mission, and i am still in the area that i arrived at...i think i need the change...
well, i love and miss you all,
hermana moyes