August 30, 2010

San Jose Week 8

guess what we had our first baptism!! it was great ;) we had been teaching a young girl of 14 yrs named yescica. she is so great and such a strong example for her family, i really feel blessed to have met her, and shared the gospel with her! ...anyways...i hope everything is going great at home!
so, i know your all busy with the wedding haha, but what in the world is going on!! haha, i dont even know what day erin is getting married :) fill me in please and send pics!!! of her engagement and everything...erin and stace can help attach them to one of your emails. i love and miss you all ;) and remember that i need addresses for everyone...savannah is the only one who emailed me her address so for now i am going to send her all the letters i,ve written to stacey and erin and everyone so that she can get them to you all, until i know where to send them.
tell erin i am so excited for her! and that i miss madi and niki! i miss you all! but i am so grateful to be here...haha i was just realizing the other day that when i get back i will be 23 haha, that makes me feel old.
..also, something everyone should know just in case....dont worry about sending packages amd paying more so they come sooner...send them the cheapest way possible, because even when they say it will come in 2 weeks or 2 will not come in that time...once it leaves the country, and enters uruguay they hold it at customs and inspect just know that i prob wont get any of the birthday packages for another month or so,,,,it takes almost 2 months to get just know that when they say it will get to me in 2 weeks it wont, so dont pay extra to send it....
anyways, i love you all, and am so excited to continue working here....
love, hermana moyes