November 22, 2010

My First Missionary Fight... not really, but she didn't title the email so I did :)

so, this week totally flew by, ah we had the craziest experience the other day, i can barely believe it.def not something that i am ever going to forget...ok so we were knocking doors in this one neighborhood like normal....but nobody answered so we crossed the street to talk to a few people that were sitting on the curb outside of there houses, there was a man in about his thirties i would have to guess... and then two we present ourselves as normal, and then he said that he already knew everything, so my comp asks tell us what exactly do you know about our church? because they always so they have heard everything about our religion and in reality they know nothing...then he was like, well where do you want me to start, with Moroni or with Jose Smith...and we were way shoked cause it seemed like he actually knew what he was talking about, and we got to know him a little bit more, he seemed nice at first and told us that he is a priest of his own church, which he wouldnt mention the name of...and said that he had done a ton of research about all the major religions before he finally decided to stay with the one he is with now...then he started asking us questions, well basically he directed every question at  me and was totally trying to destroy my testimony....i literally met zeezrom from the book of mormon....and i knew that all he was trying to do was confound us, which he did not suceed at doing...i cant even remember all the questions he asked us, really deep complex questions that nobody knows the answer to, and then when we said we dont know everything, he would critisize us and say "you dont know, you dont know" you have been called of God, why cant you get amswers to these questions, there is always a why to every questions, and you cant be true servants of a God if you cant answer a we threw the same questions back at him, but he wouldnt answer them was completely strange, and i knew that he was only trying to get us to deny our testimonies, then he started saying really horrible things about our church things that i am not even gonna repeat..and it was the first time that i have ever felt angry with an investigator, but i just kept testiflying to him and said that everything that he was saying was a lie, nd he was like but how do you know? you cant know the truth, and i just said i know that thru the power of the holyghost these things are true and its something that you should seek to obtain, and he shut up, and we walked away...ahh, i cant even describe well how it went, but yeah, after that my testimony def grew, and for all of his intentions of trying to get us to deny our faith we held firm and his plans failed.
love, gioia