November 30, 2010

Zone Conference Picture

wow, i can not believe you are making that many pumpkin pies, that kinda seems a little insane, maybe you could just send one this way...this week flew by like all the rest of them...and i can not believe that in less than a month i get to call you all.,..the only thing that sucks is that its only going to be for 40 minutes that we can call, and i have 2 families to talk to, totallly not going to be long enough, but i hope you are all together on christmas...the weather has been gettin pretty hot, and super muggy..ahh you guys are all preparing for blizzards and my tan lines get worse everyday haha....its crazy, having to be outside all day tracting really takes a toll on ya, but i`ve actually gotten used to it.they changed our pday today, and we had a district activity.
love, gioia